Executive Dashboard

General definitions:

All calculations are stated for the last day of the month unless otherwise mentioned.

Calculations marked with an asterisk (*) are sourced from the Payment Statement and therefore not available for a month still in progress i.e. current month

Tab: Summary
Key Performance IndicatorsThis section shows a range of commonly used measures for each facility.
FacilityThe facility name (ACM uses the Medicare description).
Total Resident CountCount of residents on the last day of the month.
Total Permanent CountCount of permanent residents on the last day of the month.
Total Respite CountCount of respite residents on the last day of the month.
Occupancy %(Sum of Total Residents for each day of the month ) divided by (Aged Care Approved Places * number of days in the month).
Avg. Daily Sub (Permanent P)Average Daily Subsidy for Permanent Residents (excluding default rates). Calculated daily for current month or at last day of the month for previous months.
Respite Days Rem. to 30 June*The YTD balance of Respite days remaining as per the Payment Statement.
Resident Count (RCS)Count of residents on RCS funding on the last day of the month.
Resident Count (New Entry)Count of new residents (including Respite and Permanent) during the month.
Resident Count (Departures)Count of departed residents (including Respite and Permanent) during the month.
Mental and Beh. DiagnosisCount of residents with a Mental and Behavioural diagnosis recorded on the ACFI active in the month selected.
Tab: Map
Avg. Daily Subsidy PaidAverage Daily Subsidy for Permanent Residents (excluding default rates). Calculated daily for current month or at last day of the month for previous months.
Resident Count (High Care)Count of residents with an ACFI classed as High Care.This is typically an ACFI with a minimum of one High or two Medium ratings in any combination across the three domains (ADL/BEH/CHC).Exception: A classification of NHN is categorised as Low.
Resident Count (Low Care)Count of residents with an ACFI classed as Low Care.An ACFI is classified as low when there are no High and maximum of one Medium rating across the three domains (ADL/BEH/CHC).
Resident Count (RCS)Count of residents on RCS funding on the last day of the month.
End in 14 daysCount of residents with a current ACFI end date approaching in 14 days or less from today’s date.
End in 30 daysCount of residents with a current ACFI end date approaching in 15 to 30 days from today’s date.
End in 60 daysCount of residents with a current ACFI end date approaching in 31 to 61 days from today’s date.
Tab: Funding
Subsidy and Supplement 12 Monthly TrendThis section shows the 12 monthly trend for all of the payment types on a Medicare Payment Statement
Payment typeThe table shows each of the payment types that appear on a standard Medicare Payment Statement


Facility Dashboard

General definitions:

All calculations are stated for the last day of the month unless otherwise mentioned.

Calculations marked with an asterisk (*) are sourced from the Payment Statement and therefore not available for a month still in progress i.e. current month

Tab: Summary
KPI – Average Daily Subsidy PaidAverage Daily Subsidy for Permanent Residents (excluding default rates). Calculated daily for current month or at last day of the month for previous months.
KPI – Total ResidentsCount of residents on the last day of the month.
KPI – Mental & Beh. DiagnosisCount of residents with a Mental and Behavioural (BEH) diagnosis recorded on the ACFI active in the month selected.
KPI – Resident Count (New Entry)Count of new residents (including Respite and Permanent) during the month.
KPI – Resident Count (Departures)Count of departed residents (including Respite and Permanent) during the month.
KPI – Resident Count (Permanent)Count of permanent residents on the last day of the month.
KPI – Resident Count (Respite)Count of respite residents on the last day of the month.
KPI – Resident Count (RCS)Count of residents on RCS funding on the last day of the month.
KPI – Total Bed Days*Count of actual residents bed days in the period
KPI – Aged Care Approved Places*The approved capacity for the facility during the reporting month.
KPI – Permanent High CareThe approved high care capacity for the facility during the reporting month.
KPI – Permanent Low CareThe approved low care capacity for the facility during the reporting month.
KPI – Permanent DefaultPermanent residents on default rates.
Tab: Resident List
ResidentThe residents name as recorded in Medicare.
Paid ClassificationThe subsidy classification as shown on the Medicare Claim screen. Note: this may be different to the actual ACFI subsidy due to up/downgrades.
Assessment end dateThe end date of the subsidy as shown on the Medicare Claim screen. Expiring ACFI  will indicate if this date is an Expiry Date or just the assessment end date.
Expiring ACFIStatus to indicate if the assessment will expire and therefore require a new assessment BEFORE the date.
Avg. Daily Subsidy paidAverage Daily Subsidy for Permanent Residents (excluding default rates). Calculated daily for current month or at last day of the month for previous months.
End Date PassedResidents with a current ACFI end date that has already passed from today’s date.
End in 14 daysResidents with a current ACFI end date approaching in 14 days or less from today’s date.
End in 30 daysResidents with a current ACFI end date approaching in 15 to 30 days from today’s date.
End in 60 daysResidents with a current ACFI end date approaching in 31 to 61 days from today’s date.


Resident Dashboard

General definitions:

All calculations are stated for the last day of the month unless otherwise mentioned.

Calculations marked with an asterisk (*) are sourced from the Payment Statement and therefore not available for a month still in progress i.e. current month

ACFI ClassificationThis section shows the submission category, start date, and daily funding level of the selected ACFI assessment.
ReasonThis is Medicare’s submission category of the ACFI assessment.
Start DateThis is the start date of the Resident’s ACFI. Note: This might be different from the Submission Date.
Daily FundingThis is the daily funding level of the ACFI submitted.Note: This may be different from what the Department is paying you if the ACFI has been down/ upgraded.
ACFI Assessment HistoryThis diagram shows a residents history of ACFI assessments
Funding Amount ($)This is the daily funding level of the ACFI submitted.Note: This may be different from what the Department is paying you if the ACFI has been down/ upgraded.
DateThis is the start date of the Resident’s ACFI. Note: This might be different from the Submission Date.
ACFI Points to NextThese gauges show you how close you are to the next funding level for each of the three ACFI domains.
ADLDistance to the next funding level for the ADL (Activities of Daily Living) domain. The range of points is from 0 to 100.
BEHDistance to the next funding level for the BEH (Behaviour) domain. The range of points is from 0 to 100.
CHCThe CHC (Complex Health Care) domain is determined from a matrix of ACFI Q11 and Q12. Therefore the indicator will always lie in the middle of each funding level.
ACFI BreakdownThis shows you the individual score (A-D) for each of the 12 ACFI Questions.
12 ACFI chartsThis shows you the count of all residents with either A,B,C or Ds for the selected month
Principal ACFI DiagnosisThis list shows the diagnoses submitted with the highlighted ACFI assessment
DiagnosisThis is the standard description for the diagnosis code submitted on the ACFI assessment.
DateThis is the start date of the highlighted ACFI assessment.