Rostering software that Works!
Simplify the complexity of your workforce management and reduce unplanned agency and overtime costs by up to 80%
20,000+ Australian aged care employees use Mirus Works each day
A real-time solution for complex workforces
Mirus Works! is a comprehensive rostering software tool that provides real-time data and award interpretation which helps reduce unplanned overtime wage costs, saves you time managing rosters and enables a more engaged, more connected workforce.
Let Mirus Works! simplify the complexity of your workforce management.
Optimise your workforce
Optimise staff coverage based on care requirements for every shift, every day.
View rules associated with your Awards or EBA in one simple timesheet format.
Integrates with your payroll system solution to reduce time and errors spent keying.
Key features

Staffing & Rostering
On average 67% of your operating costs goes toward staffing. Mirus Works! allows you to manage your complete workforce with total visibility and confidence
Medicare integration and flexible planning tools to help you stay compliant with minimum care minutes in real-time
Intuitive and accurate rostering in a couple of clicks and no surprise overspend
Find the right people to fill every shift quickly and ensure optimal coverage across the roster
Track hours, including employee time and attendance, streamlining absence and leave

Award Interpretation
Replace manual Award interpretation with a quick and automated process for real-time planning and accurate rostering
Stay compliant with Fair Work requirements
On demand skills reporting for peace of mind during an audit
Skills tracking ensures staff have all the required registrations, visas and vaccines before they can be rostered
In a few clicks export accurate timesheet data to your preferred payoll solution

Complete Staffing Compliance
Monitor the skills, compliance and qualifications of your complete workforce with real-time visibility, simplifying the training and audit process
Monitor your complete workforce including permanent, agency, volunteers and allied health staff
Configure roster rules to stay on top of fatigue, minimise overtime and burnout
Integrations that automate onboarding and cross check staff skills, registrations and vaccination status for every shift
A staff roster app with easy shift tracking, managing employee availability, training and skills updates
Real-time hours & costing data
View at a glance a Site’s performance against demand requirements allowing Roster managers to make informed decisions about their roster to ensure quality care whilst meeting budget.
Dashboard view
Consider care need to rostered hours with Medicare data insights included on our powerful dashboard. Rosters can be flexed taking in to account care requirements and occupancy levels.
Manage Time
Employees clocking in for their shifts via the Mirus Works Employee Kiosk allow for easy management of Roster exceptions with the creation of Shift Alerts.
Absence management
With our leave and unavailability workflows, employees can apply for leave or Unavailability within the Employee Kiosk, their Manager will then be alerted to the request showing them who else is on leave at the same time of the same grade type as well as whether the employee has sufficient balance for the leave event.
The inclusion of budgeted (demand) as well as, expected (rostered) and worked (actual) costs means organisations can ensure that the employees they are rostering are not only availabe, of the right skill set but also not going to cost more than expected.
Clear visibility over rostered location
Employees can easily identify which Wing they are rostered to when they clock in for their shift – no more paper allocation sheets!
Demand & Acuity based planning
No more recycling the same roster each fortnight – plan a roster that meets the occupancy and care needs of your residents using our Demand Templates.
Management of contracted hours
View at a glance if your employees contracted hours have been fulfilled avoiding utilisation of Casual and Agency staff and enabling continuity of care.
Real-time reporting
Our reporting suite provides real-time reporting at the click of a button.
The Attendance screen means you can see at a glance if a staff member has not arrived for this shift allowing you to act quickly.
Key numbers
10 hours
Save up to 10 hours a week managing rosters
Reduce unplanned agency and overtime costs by up to 80%
Start simplifying your
workforce roster today
Let’s talk about how your business could benefit,
starting with a free strategy session.
Your return
Less hands
More care
Managing and reporting on key training and skills compliance in one place
(Aged Care Quality Standard 7)
Proven 2-4% reduction in staff cost for companies who implemented Mirus Works
Reduce inefficiencies and costs using numerous training and rostering apps. Mirus Works! integrates with payroll and Medicare seamlessly.
Mirus Works! rostering software for your workforce
Your entire team, including internal and external staff can download the Mirus Works! mobile app for free.
If you need support please email or call 1300 738 145 to speak with our Support team.
Aged Care Workforce management insights
What you need to know for rostering AN-ACC care minutes
Through our work transitioning aged care clients from ACFI to AN-ACC, we field lots of questions related to care minutes and rostering. Providers should be thinking about how they ensure they will meet their care minute requirements in advance of a roster period as well as tracking it in real-time. In this article, we’ve outlined 3 key considerations providers will need to adapt with the introduction of AN-ACC. We also answer some of your frequently asked AN-ACC questions.
How AN-ACC will change the future of rostering in Aged Care
Setting and tracking budgets, regular reviews of roster requirements, and instant cost and hours insights will still be key themes for finance, rostering, and clinical teams with the upcoming AN-ACC changes. The difference being the data required to maintain and exceed compliance. To prepare for the future of rostering, Aged Care providers can take a compliance, responsive or – with real-time insights – proactive approach as they prepare for the changes that will come.
The anticipated 200 average AN-ACC care minute target explained
The 200 mins of care per day (including 40 RN mins) are an average target. Each facility will have a unique care time target, depending on the AN-ACC case mix classification of their residents, at a point in time. More revenue may not be the best outcome for all facilities. It may actually drive further reliance on heavy rosters, which means providers may have their star ratings significantly impacted if they cannot track their ongoing requirement through daily rostering periods.