Aged care achievements recognised at LASA event
August 25, 2015 | Aged Care Management

For many in the aged care industry, the work is largely thankless. While residents within facilities will certainly appreciate the effort staff put into providing a high level of care, it's rare that the public will recognise these skilled individuals.
That's why events like the Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) Victoria Awards for Excellence are so important, to recognise just how crucial both individuals and organisations are to the success of aged care Down Under. What's more, these bodies can serve as role models as the sector continues to grow.
The value that aged care providers and facilities bring to Australia cannot be overstated.
Recognising achievement
The value that aged care providers and facilities bring to Australia cannot be overstated. These are the individuals and bodies that ensure our growing elderly population isn't left without appropriate care. It's a job that will continue to grow in importance.
CEO of LASA Trevor Carr noted how the achievements of these individuals and providers is a testament to the passion of the industry. He explained that there is a deep respect for seniors in Victoria.
"Our industry has countless unassuming professionals, volunteers and organisations who don't generally look for thanks or praise. It is the dedication and professionalism of these individuals and organisations that make up the back bone of our industry," he said.
Many of those involved in the industry are also innovators, helping to pioneer new technologies and methods as a way of helping facilities to better get a hold over finances and manage large populations with different care needs.
So who were the winners of this awards event?
Lifeview managed to take top honours in three categories, thanks to its focus on resident wellbeing and quality of life. Small regional provider Gisborne Oaks received the small provider award for supporting the local community. It's important to note that this is a regional community with high, low and dementia care requirements.
The need for high quality aged care facilities and skilled individuals continues to grow.
A commitment to excellence
It's not just LASA that has a commitment to excellence in the aged care industry, bodies such as HESTA and the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency also host awards events to recognise achievements.
Such events are some of the best ways to seek out the very best in the industry.
"I congratulate all the nominees, finalists and winners of the 2015 LASA Victoria Awards for Excellence for their outstanding efforts and contributions they make daily, not only to our industry, but to the lives of the seniors they care for," Mr Carr said.
The need for high quality aged care facilities and skilled individuals continues to grow as the great population clock ticks upwards, and events like the LASA awards are essential as a motivator for all in the industry.
What do you think are the biggest opportunities for success in the aged care industry today? Please contact us and let us know!