Power of Oldness campaign launched
August 26, 2014 | Aged Care Management

The aged care industry in Australia is certainly facing challenges in regards to effectively managing growth, but elderly Australians could be suffering even more so as a result of age discrimination.
The Australian population is continuing to age, and it's going to be vital to put effective solutions in place.
Age discrimination is a growing problem within Australia, and certainly in many countries around the world. The Australian Human Rights Commission revealed that Australians over 55 are more likely to suffer from mental health issues and loneliness as a result of discrimination.
To stop aged discrimination from further permeating society, the Commission has begun a new campaign called Power of Oldness.
The campaign was launched in August, and sets out to rectify age discrimination issues. As part of the announcement, a video was released in order to act as a kind of 'call-to-action' for Australians.
"The video juxtaposes reality and perceptions in what I consider to be an active, pacey and poignant presentation," said Minister for Employment Senator Eric Abetz.
Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan also explained the current state of the country with regards to age discrimination, and the actions required for future change.
"The Power of Oldness campaign will, we hope, prod everyone to recognise and act to stop age discrimination," she said.
"We are living through a massive demographic change, yet community attitudes, employer practices and business strategies seem to ignore where we are now."
The Power of Oldness website explained that older Australians are a driving force of the country, and it's essential to recognise this, especially given their "experience, wisdom and generosity".
It's going to be essential to deal with age discrimination, in order to both ensure aged care facilities and the growing population are managed correctly.