A crucial part of the Australian community
October 14, 2015 | Aged Care Management

Carers are one of the most important pillars of the Australian community, those people who choose to look after the elderly, the sick and the disabled either as a profession or out of their own goodwill.
Carers are one of the most important pillars of the Australian community.
These people will only become more important over the coming decades, as the Australian population continues to climb, and the number of people requiring capable care services grows in turn. It's important to recognise just how important these members of the population really are.
Why they're so important
According to Carers Australia, our country currently has around 2.7 million carers spread across the various states and territories. This is a substantial 12 per cent of the total population.
As the organisation explained: "The chances are you personally are a carer, need a carer or know a carer".
These aren't just people caring for spouses or partners, they can be children, teenagers and young adults who need to look after sick family members. There are currently over 300,000 young carers in Australia, and it's certainly a possibility that there are a number more.
Equally important are the carers based in the various aged care facilities, palliative care clinics and other medical operations throughout Australia. These carers can provide a high level of care for those who really need it.
Celebrating a cornerstone of the Australian community
Carers Week is set to begin, running from October 11-17, and Disability Services and Seniors Minister Coralee O'Rourke has come forward to encourage people to get amongst the events. She noted that there are over 40 events being held as part of the celebratory week.
"Carers not only do an amazing job supporting the people they care for, but also make a huge contribution to the community," the minister said.
The theme this year is 'Show you care', and it's designed to encourage the community to raise awareness about just how important carers are, and the diversity in the roles they perform. The government is also stepping up to the plate, by providing a sponsorship of $10,400 to Carers Queensland.
"We are excited to raise awareness for our dedicated carers, and look forward to releasing our annual Quality of Life Audit of carers in Queensland during the celebration," said Carers Queensland CEO Debra Cottrell.
Most in Australia will understand just how important carers are Down Under, but they're only going to become more necessary in the near future.