Can Mirus Metrics help your aged care facility?

April 29, 2014 | Aged Care Management

It’s set to be a turbulent yet exciting time for aged care facilities over the next few years, with reforms coming in July set to change payment options, and rising resident numbers growing the need for quality aged care.

Throughout these developments, it’s going to be important for aged care providers to take advantage of any tools and assistance available.

One of these tools has the ability to help significantly, and will be extremely useful in the operations of facilities, reducing workload strain on staff.

Mirus Metrics is an application designed to provide detailed analysis and insights on a level many providers rarely see. By implementing the tool, providers are able to better plan for the future – especially when high resident growth is forecast.

Using Mirus Metrics is simple, and the tool can be accessed on an iPad application for use when travelling or even moving around a facility. In addition, a traditional web application provides another simple way to access the tool from laptops or desktops. As Mirus Metrics is based online, the service can be accessed from any location with an internet connection.

Over the next few years, access to a platform that easily provides reporting of complex Medicare data will be invaluable.

Tools like Mirus Metrics will likely continue to grow in importance as facilities expand. In these hectic environments, tools that save time and unnecessary work will be vital.

Mirus Australia are able to able to help aged care providers achieve strategic goals, and provide focused support.

What do you think are the biggest opportunities for success in the aged care industry today? Please contact us and let us know!