Mirus Metrics rectifies care minutes calculation for My Aged Care

December 5, 2023 | Aged Care Management

By Andrew Farmer, CEO and Partner

On Friday, 30 November, the Department of Health and Aged Care brought to light an error in the accuracy of calculated care minute targets on My Aged Care. This oversight has resulted in discrepancies in the published care minute targets for residential care services, leading to subsequent inaccuracies in staffing levels and overall star ratings, as detailed in the Department document.

These targets were correctly reflected in Mirus Metrics, and it was one of our clients who initially identified the disparity. Following our verification of Metrics’ accuracy, we promptly reported the error to the Department and collaborated in rectifying the calculation.

The inaccuracy in calculated care minutes on My Aged Care poses a significant financial impact on aged care operators. Inaccurate reporting not only jeopardises a  provider’s compliance but also hampers their ability to secure the appropriate funding for the care services they deliver. The financial implications extend to potential revenue loss, as subsidies and reimbursements are intricately tied to accurate AN-ACC funding and care minute requirements. Aged care operators must navigate these challenges with precision to ensure they receive the deserved financial support, making the adoption of a reliable and accurate system like Mirus Metrics crucial in safeguarding their financial stability and operational efficiency.

This incident serves as a timely reminder that every provider should manage their AN-ACC funding and care minute requirements through an ISO27001 accredited and accurate AN-ACC funding system.

Mirus Metrics: An accurate source of data

Mirus Metrics has been at the forefront of aged care funding support systems for over a decade. The new AN-ACC version incorporates advanced functionality and reporting, facilitating accurate forecasting of your AN-ACC classifications and ensuring you attain the highest subsidy for your care minute requirement.

Traditional BI reporting tools and spreadsheets fall short for AN-ACC’s complexity, demanding a more intricate and secure data management process provided only by an application. In fact, we offer seamless integration of Mirus Metrics with your BI reporting tools, enhancing the accuracy of your internal management reporting.

Feel free to contact us today to discover how you can seamlessly integrate Mirus Metrics into your daily funding and care minute management processes.